SOCIETY FOR AEROSPACE AND MECHANICAL PROFESSIONALS is a professional body registered under Societies act. SAMP focus talents and energies of the engineering community on significant aerospace and mechanical policies and programs.
Is to address the professional needs and interest of the past,current and future aerospace and mechanical work
force and to advance the state of aerospace science, engineering, technology, operations and also to shape public policy with its members to ensure that the industry remains sucessful and profitable in changing global market.
To promote the advancements and diffusion of the knowledge of aerospace and mechanical sciences and aircraft engineering and the elevation of the aeronautical and mechanical professionals. To establish, maintain and manage the laboratories, workshop, Instiitute and organization to further development inAerospace and mechanical field.
The National Conference on Research & Innovative Development in Aeronautical & Mechanical engineering (NCRIDAME) features a technical program consists of contributed paper describing the latest observation in Engineering Research. The conference covers the whole spectrum of engineering,Which includes, But is not limited to,Aerospace, Mechanical engineering,Aeronautical engineering etc., The aim of this conference is to hear new thoughts and providing the opportunity to share ideas and emphasizing the innovative thoughts to engineers.